Your Expert for Rapid Test Solutions

Electronic devices and detection systems

Does the user require or benefit from an additional analysis device or reader or from an innovative detection system?

We’re here to help you find suitable solution. We work with a network of competent business partners and institutes. Together, we identify and develop your test system.

The following is a list of just some of the devices and detection systems we’ve developed:


Point-of-care test system to measure cholinesterase (ChE check mobile)

ChE check mobile® – innovative point-of-care test system

This convenient IVD test system was developed to order. ChE check mobile is used for the routine measurement of cholinesterase activity in whole blood. Key features include:

  • Results available after 4 minutes
  • Uses only 1 drop of blood per analysis
  • Portable and, thanks to the touchscreen, very usable




DrugRead reader – combined with DrugWipe rapid drug test to give a complete testing system

DrugRead® – reliable interpretation of DrugWipe® drug tests

This portable analysis system is designed to optimize the interpretation and documentation of rapid drug tests. DrugRead is lightweight, easy to use and offers the following features:

  • Reliable mobile testing
  • Ergonomic and sturdy design
  • Location and time stamp via GPS signal




DrugCon® Container Testsystem - Schnelles Detektieren von Frachtcontainern

DrugCon® – mobile drug screening of freight containers

This smart container test system was specially designed for airborne drug detection. DrugCon has a proven track record in daily operations, and is used in European seaports. Key benefits include:

  • Sample collection through the gap in the door frame of any container type
  • Simple and safe handling in just a few steps
  • Conclusive test results in 20 minutes



Funding and joint projects

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